Dr. Cresci presented “The Gut Microbiome and Health: How Tending to the Health of Your Gut Microbiota Improves Overall Health” at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine (Geisinger Commonwealth) on April 18, 2018. The majority of the focus of the presentation was on the metabolism of dietary fiber to short chain fatty acids(SCFA) such as buteryate…
Month: May 2019
Religions of the Middle East & Indian Subcontinent
When studying the social and cultural aspects of food, religion is a large determining factor in dietary choices. In addition to participating in a meal centered around foods from the middle east and Indian sub-continent, we presented the differences in the dietary practices between those who follow a Islamic or Hindu faith.
Food Security
Food security is impacted by several factors, both at the individual, and country level. Food security relies on; climate and adequate growing conditions, transportation or distribution networks, High wages or buying power for imported goods, and knowledge of proper intake. Ghana a country on Africa west coast with high amounts of natural resources. Despite these…